Erasmus Movez Lab

Together with the partners within the Movez Network, we as Erasmus Movez Lab conduct research on the themes of youth, well-being and digital media. This way, we make the connection between research, education and society.

Ons team

Moniek Buijzen

Moniek researches the potential of the digital media environment to stimulate a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Her ambition is to develop effective and responsible (social) media campaigns for young people, together with all stakeholders.

Esther Rozendaal

Esther researches the digital resilience of young people. She aims to gain insights that can help young people make the best use of the opportunities offered by digital media, while guarding against its risks.

Chiara de Jong

Chiara researches digital media literacy among young people and the role of all stakeholders in this. She hopes this will give young people more ownership and empowerment to use digital media safely and responsibly.

Scarlett Slagter

Scarlett explores how young people's online and offline living environments influence each other. She explores this together with young people. She also supports young people in developing local interventions to counter unequal opportunities in the online world. She strives to contribute to an online living environment that positively inspires and supports all young people.

Ying Chuck

Ying conducts research on digital media literacy among young people and how it can be promoted among them. To gain these insights, she engages young people in her research by exploring the online world and online behaviours with them.

David Blok

David conducts research on promoting healthy lifestyles. He aims to work with stakeholders to identify effective lifestyle interventions. In doing so, he uses innovative techniques such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modelling.

Zhanna van Loenen

Zhanna researches the links between different factors that promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for young people. She aims to develop a digital health intervention powered by artificial intelligence in collaboration with multiple stakeholders.

Jonas Schlicht

Jonas researches how social influence processes on social media shape diet-related behaviours of adolescents. By understanding online social influences, he aims to design more effective and engaging social media campaigns for healthy lifestyles.

Hannah Volman

Hannah conducts research on young people and digital privacy. By learning from and with young people, she explores how young people's perspectives on digital privacy can be incorporated into digital health campaigns.

Kim Doornhein

Kim focuses on meaningful youth participation in various health and media literacy projects. She hopes to empower children and young people to develop their talents, skills and competencies in a fun way through their involvement in these projects.

Tonka Milosevic

Tonka researches mental health apps and their impact on important public values. She aims to ensure that future mental health apps maximize benefits and minimize risks for users with mental health challenges.

Kiran van Hall

Kiran researches user perceptions of mobile health apps from a multi-stakeholder perspective. Her particular focus is on apps used in clinical settings for mental health issues. She aims to improve our understanding of how to effectively and responsibly integrate these treatment tools into our care pathways.

Yefim Shulman

Yefim researches the psychological, social, and economic impact of new technologies in mobile health. He strives to better understand these complex systems and empower people to have better health and more control over their well-being.

Eleni Koulouki

Eleni provides general support for projects within the Erasmus Movez Lab. Her passion for connection is evident through her interactions with various departments and services of the university, thereby strengthening the lab.

Thabo van Woudenberg

Thabo researches the influence of the social network on young people's healthy behaviours. He does so by understanding how young people influence each other, but also by encouraging key players within the group to promote healthy behaviours.

Crystal Smit

Crystal conducts research on motivating healthy behaviours in adolescents taking influences of their social environment into account. She believes that young people should be given the autonomy to decide for themselves how they want to live healthy.