In the MediaMovez project, we work together with You!nG, a company led by Bianca Boender. You!nG aims to empower children and youth by developing tools, methods and training, and coaching for professionals in the wellbeing, health and education sector. With their practical knowledge, they contribute mainly to the Healthy Start Sprint Project ‘Let’s Movez Together’, in which we develop a tool for child-participation in the context of the development of (digital) resilience interventions
In the MediaMovez project, we work together with You!nG, a company led by Bianca Boender. You!nG aims to empower children and youth by developing tools, methods and training, and coaching for professionals in the wellbeing, health and education sector. With their practical knowledge, they contribute mainly to the Healthy Start Sprint Project ‘Let’s Movez Together’, in which we develop a tool for child-participation in the context of the development of (digital) resilience interventions